Friday, May 16, 2008

Silverlight2.0 - Tip 1

Hi Friends,

When you create a web application as i discussed in the previous post. Then you can open the page.xaml page in .net itself and now you have also design interface of xaml codes in silverlight 2.0.

So now you get very good intellisense in .net for xaml codes, thanks to Microsoft. Still the design panel needs to update and should have complete look and feel of the page. I hope they bring soon as a beta tool for VS2008. Anyways as per experts speech in MIX '08. It has been tld that this design interface will get good shape before the release of Visual Studio 2010.

Now coming the tip :

In silverlight 2.0 , since you have a intellisense for all controls, like CSS for html. Silverlight2.0 provides App.xaml page.

So you can set the style in App.xaml and just like you css through id or class on html page, here you can call that style in the Page.xaml for that particular control.

You need to put all styles under

Now you can call this in the Page.xaml for all Hyperlinkimage control by adding a property to the control i.e) Style="HyperlinkImage"

Cheers -:)
Muthaiah Thaigarajan

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